A'ffo Gato
[ Brynhildr ]

22 / Miqo'te / Male

Born to simple Gridanian parents on a farm, it was hard to find him in clothes not covered in hay and dirt. Never one to be interested in the finer things life had to offer, until he chanced upon a group of Gridanian adventurers returning home. The aura they gave off was amazing, they looked so cool. He felt small in his dusty clothes and a little embarrassed.This inspired him to sneak off to the conjurer's guild believing it was how to become a summoner, only to end up bored to tears, resulting in him often sneaking off to watch the local bards' performances instead.Very earnest, A'ffo actually does enjoy the feeling of protecting others and having them rely on him. He wants to learn a lot and become the kind of someone that is cool and alluring enough to inspire others in the way he was and he does try... if only he could sit through the drier aspects of learning...

Notable achievements : Won Jumbo Cactpot